Art Form: Writing
Genre/Type: Poetry
So, I recently attended a writing workshop that was hosted by an organization named EROT( Ebony Readers/Onyx Theatre). The members of the organization wanted us to understand that when writing poetry, one can write from many different perspectives, a fairly trivial concept. So, they told us to look at the picture to the right of this blog post and to write a poem from the perspective of anything illustrated in the composite including body parts, clothing, sneakers, the ground, the blood etc. I chose to write from the perspective of the wall in the very back and this is the piece that I composed. Also, we had only fifteen minutes to do this exercise. So take one more look at the photograph before you read my piece.
Seen by Kuamel Stewart
I see you..........misogyny,
Taking your lumps for every impressionable mind that you've imperialized,
You're finally receiving a punishment for limiting the potential of debutantes, mothers and wives,
I see you,
Being delivered near fatal blows for being the catalyst of a sexual revolution that would not have been so necessary had not men forced you to exist,
And maybe in that oppressive mind, that upon this very beating that's making you blind, you're starting to realize that that women inferiority shit was just a myth,
Come on,
Tell me what you're thinkin',
Why won't you stop blinkin'?,
Is it because social equity is beginning to infect your God awful God-complex or is it just because her fist ain't shrinkin' ?,
Oh you thought everyone was going to become chauvinist patrons?,
Well, you stumble corrected because I stand firm on the side of matrons,
I see you,
Being destructed for making Sigmund Freud believe that women were just men turned inside out,
So as your nose goes outside in I hope you turn your thoughts inside out and some "I am for solidarity" goes inside your brain and comes out of your mouth,
Hey misogyny, this is the wall speaking and I am a staunch supporter of the matriarch and you shall fear thee,
Do you hear me?,
Oh I'm sorry, it seems as though you can't answer questions right now,
Because she has finally made up in her mind that this gendered society has sexual standards that need to go out of style,
I see you going toe-to-toe but I doubt how long you can last,
I'm sorry for being so brash but its finally nice to see justice hash,
Yeah, I see you ,
Being dealt a physical punishment that does not equate to the mental and emotional exhaustion that you've caused since time was born,
And it's about time that your power driven disillusioned thoughts were torn,
You know, they say you were the first oppression, and now I'm just guessin',
But it seems the very population that you've forced under suppression is now showing its aggression,
And the witnesses that are standing by watching your beautiful demise are now wondering if you can now see equality with swollen eyes,
I see you,
With your bloody wifebeater that overlays the very skin that deep inside,
believes that infinite opportunity and privilege for the sexes cannot coincide,
Well it looks like the people are sick of you being timeless and are ready to see your influence subside,
Yeah, I see you,
Takin' a vicious haymaker right to that androcentric chin that's leaving you stumbling into the egotistical mire that you will soon fall upon,
Look at you,
But I thought the pedestal that houses masculinity epitomized the very essence of strength and valor?,
I'm not surprised that her "strength" is of a superior caliber,
Didn't think estrogen had such a potent repertoire, huh?
Oh well,
Tell that nose of yours to say hello to justice and goodbye to bullshit because your ass is going down,
And this may be a small battle in a raging-but-never-ending-war, but this time,
as once said by the auto-tuned voice of a man named Kanye....
Ending to Poem.mp3 -
Parting Thoughts:
1. Midterms....need I say more?
2. Perfume by Rhymester. Dig that.
3. I'm suffering from severe loneliness and my sleep playlist isn't helping. All of these freakin' love lyric-laden songs keep coming on and it mars my ability to get to a peaceful sleep. I guess it would make sense to just take them off the playlist huh? Yeah...
4. The rain is back and I love it. If I were home, I would drive on the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Drive in the rain listening to Quiet Storm by Smokey Robinson, Last Day by Teedra Moses, and Music by Eric Sermon in repeating rotation.
Oh Yeah,
I'll be footing it to the park where the swoon units walk. Hangin' with musicians. Diggin' on Phoenicians. Hangin' with the rebels. Sippin' on a Snapple. Buggin' with my crew just trippin' in The Apple.
"So as your nose goes outside in I hope you turn your thoughts inside out and some "I am for solidarity" goes inside your brain and comes out of your mouth,"
ReplyDeletethis line made me double-take.
bravo CB.
Not that I don't love your thoughts...but do me a favor...post your poetry more often. It is quite special. Let's collab sometime, ok?
Again, dope.